Why is it a challenge I hear you cry? Well, firstly, we'll be knitting in this really fine material called KidSilk Haze (KSH). This sure is fine, FINE material and I'm a little scared of it to be quite honest. One of the other gals from the group, Vanessa of Coloursknits used it to make a cardigan and it turned out beautiful. But the texture of the material is a little overwhelming. She advised us to make sure our nails were trimmed and smooth, to avoid snagging the material. Well, Doreen, Laura and myself got together and made a group purchase for the KSH. Doreen and I chose the KSH in Dewberry, a sort of lavenderish colour and Laura chose Marmalade, a really sweet "apricotish" shade.
Well, the yarn arrived last week and has since been distributed. To be quite honest, I didn't really look forward to starting the project, as I was a little sceptical about this thingy called a provisional cast on. Didn't have a clue on what it was! Then, the pattern said to cast on THREE stitches... only THREE??!! What on earth???!!
After much delay, I whipped out my knitting books yesterday and used some spare acryllic yarn I had and experimented. Hehehe... it isn't as hard as I thought it was going to be. After 2 attempts, I got the hang of it and proceeded a trial run for the shawl. Check it out...
At the worst moment, I had 7 "balls" of yarn hanging off my needles. There HAS to be an easier way to manage all that yarn. I read somewhere about this tool called "yarn bobbins" and I might just go have a look for it during the weekend. As an alternative, I cut up a few old business cards and tried using those... not a good idea. McGyver I am not. It created more hassle! The back is rather messy I think. My weaving skills aren't up to notch yet but I am working on it.
Still, this is a good experience. I think I might stay away from multicoloured projects for now... small squares are OK... I shudder to think about large projects! How people do it I have absolutely no idea!
Your square looks beautiful, not really that messy.
By Doreen, at 11:45 am
Good luck your shawl, I'm sure you can do it.
~Cheers~ -
I think you are on the right track with your shawl Jackie - and you are right, Doreen's looks different because of the circular needles.
By mona, at 1:37 pm
enjoy your KSH!!! it'll feel like a breeze even though it doesn't seem to one to work with. -
hi jackie, your trial shawl is looking great. Good job! I still haven't had the chance to cast on yet, must find sometime to cast tonite.
By Unknown, at 2:16 pm
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