Good Grief!!
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Dearie dearie me...I can't believe that it's been over TWO years since I last posted!!! How time flies!! I haven't posted in so long that I literally forgot my username and password to get into this blog editor *mumble grumble* I MUST make it a point to write and update more often.
On the knitting front, well, much has happened. I've discovered the joys of on-line purchases and I have to say, eBay is THE most wonderful invention... I've purchased no less than THREE sets of bamboo knitting needles, yarn and THE must have for any knitter -- a ball winder!! Oh oh oh... how I LOVE my ball winder.
Let me think, in the past two years, what HAVE I knitted... hmmm... a few baby sets i.e. blankets, matching mittens, booties and caps. Those were kinda fun. Unfortunately, I don't have any pictures (camera died and I have yet to buy a new one), a wrap for an aunt of mine, a poncho which I am going to frog... it didn't turn out right and that yarn is just too pretty to waste, a vest for my dad which I have yet to complete and a kimono type top.
The variety of yarn available on the Net is unbelievable. I'm currently obsessed with hand painted yarn... I bought some from handpainted wool but the colours came out darker than what I expected... not exactly what I wanted for a baby's blanket but pretty nonetheless and I've got another excuse to buy more.
I'll try to borrow a camera shortly and post some pictures, if I remember how to post them. Stay tuned!!
The World Wide Knitting In Public Day (WWKIP) is coming up and we are trying to organise a meetup but so far, the response hasn't been too fantastic. I don't know what's happening. We used to meet up every other month or so and now, it's died down. That's pretty sad I think. IF anyone still visits this sadly neglected blog of mine and you are in KL, Malaysia, please go to the Malaysian section in the Knit Forum and sign up. We are meeting up on 9 June 2007, probably somewhere in Bangsar or something.
Anyways, back to work. Will update this blog more often...